Friday, December 31, 2010


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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas Cookies

I love making Christmas cookies with the girls! I really look forward to it every year even though there are times where my patience is completely tested while we are baking=) Of course, they love to stick their fingers and sneak little bites whenever they can!!

School Holiday Parties

First Snowfall

The girls love to play in the snow and eat it=) Daddy really loves going out and playing with them in the snow. I prefer to stay inside where it is nice and warm and look out the window with Lauren! We have only had one snowfall this year and that was a month ago, so right after Thanksgiving. We have been waiting for another big snowfall so the girls can go outside and run around!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lauren 10 months old

Lauren's personality is really starting to come out and we just love it!! She has taken her first steps and everyday she keeps trying harder and gets braver to walk on her own. She has also learned how to shake her head no and does it often to us especially when we are trying to feed her dinner=) She's just trying to tell us she wants us to give her some "real" food!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy Holidays!