Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spring Break

Katie's Friend Birthday Party

Katie's 5th Birthday Party


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Katie 5 years old

Katie is 5, Katie is 5, KATIE IS REALLY 5!! I keep having to say that over and over again because I cannot believe it. To think that she is going to start all day kindergarten in the fall is just crazy. She is definitely ready and is going to love it but not sure if mom is ready yet to have her go to school all day! Katie, without a doubt, is a very strong willed little girl. She has truly made me understand what being a parent is all about, good and bad=) She is also a princess in every definition of the word. She has a contagious smile that lights up the room and has a heart of gold. I cannot imagine my life without her and am so blessed to be her mom!