Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treating

Halloween School Parties

Phillips girls in the Fall


How can you not love fall!! Football, cider, donuts, pumpkins, fires, the beautiful colors of the leaves, Halloween, Thanksgiving and I could keep going on and on!! Fall in Michigan is so great! The girls, I should say just Ali and Katie, love to play in the leaves. Lauren isn't too sure yet, she didn't last too long before Katie threw some leaves in her face and she started to cry!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hoffmaster's Children's Fall Festival

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We went camping this year for the first time at Hoffmaster's Children's Fall Festival on the weekend of October 15th. What a great time and the weather was perfect!! We went with a bunch of great friends and their families and we will definitely do it again next year!!

Pumpkin Patch

Our annual trip to the Lewis Farm Pumpkin Patch=)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lauren 8 months old

Where has the time gone??? Lauren has had a big month!! She is little miss speed demon crawling around getting into everything. She can pull herself up to standing and then tries so hard to just balance herself....she wants to take the first step forward so bad to start walking. We know this, it won't be long...definitely thinking by Thanksgiving. She has had 4 teeth come in and she really struggled with teething...not her favorite thing! She has learned how to clap and gets so excited when she gets to clap with all of us. Our favorite by far is that she knows mommy and daddy and will look right at Mike and say dada and look right at me and say mama. Melts your heart=)