Friday, June 18, 2010

End of the School Year and Start of Summer

Ali did fantastic in DK this year at Campbell Elementary. We were a little worried how she would do because she was away from her friends for the first time and at a new school all by herself where she would have to meet new friends. She did great and has really grown from the experience. A lot of that has to do with her teacher Ms. Carol who Ali really enjoyed. On our first night of summer vacation Ali started to cry before bed and when we asked her what was wrong, she said "I miss Ms. Carol, I want to go to school." Wow, we never thought we would hear that but how awesome that Ali loves school!!! We are very excited for her to start Kindergarten in the fall at the same school.

Summer will be busy of course! Ali is taking swimming lessons again, she has one week of soccer camp and she is playing t-ball again! Katie is going to do a two day camp called Little Pretty Princess in August, which totally fits her...our little diva!! We also will have lots of playdates with friends, camping, and visiting family! Love summer vacation!!