Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This week Katie will be 4 years old. I picked some of my favorite pictures of her that really describe Katie's personality. I had to laugh at the last picture, which was on the day she was born because she looks so sweet and innocent but at about 6 weeks of age colic kicked in and lasted for a long time, I'm not sure it has ever really ended=) Her next picture was when she was 11 months old and fell on a stereo speaker in our house and cut her eyebrow open and got 3 stitches. That's been the story for Katie through the last 4 years, she is an accident waiting to happen. Although, she is one tough cookie! For as many times that she has gotten hurt, including a staple in the head, she never flinches...the pain doesn't seem to bother her at all...she's a trooper!! The next picture at Halloween was when she was 18 months old and had shingles on her legs. Again, never seemed to bother her at all but mom and dad were extrememly worried and hoping that it wouldn't get any worse. I love the last few pictures because her beautiful smile just lights up my heart! Katie is very strong willed, has a temper, and will tell you exactly how it is but at the same time is the most loveable, sweet, and spunky little girl! She loves dresses and skirts and dressing up in general and I have a feeling she will be our little drama queen=) She keeps us on our toes constantly and truly puts all our parenting skills to the test! We love you Katie bear and are so blessed you are in our lives=)