Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chicago Weekend

We went to Chicago the weekend after school got out this year. We told Ali and Katie that if their report cards were good than they could get an American Girl doll. Their report cards were fantastic and so off we went to find the perfect doll for each one of them. We stayed at my best friend's from college house and met her family for the first time. We hadn't seen each other in 6 years, so she had only met Ali when she was 9 months old. It was a great visit and hopefully we make sure we don't let too much time pass this next time before we see each other again. We spent Saturday morning and afternoon in Chicago and the girls did great with all the walking and sight seeing we did. The girls got their American Girl doll of their choice and 2 outfits each. We will have to go back another time and do the tea and brunch with their dolls and once Lauren gets older so she can get one for herself also=)