Friday, June 18, 2010

Lauren 4 months old

Big girl pretty much sums it up in so many ways!! As of blogging this today, Lauren hasn't had her 4 month doctor appt yet but she has to be around 16-17 pounds! She's got very pudgy thighs and adorable chubby cheeks!! She's growing fast and really wants to be able to catch up with her sisters. She reached the rolling over and picking her head up milestone quick and is trying so hard to move those thighs of hers to start scooting around. Lauren loves her cereal and of course her bottles....there is no messing around when it is feeding time with her, she wants it now!!! Lauren is still very easy going, loves to just look around, observe everything around her and chill out with us! I still can't believe how easy of a baby she is and I'm probably jinxing myself right now by saying that=)