Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lauren 2 years old

Lauren will be 2 in a week, I can't believe it!! What an amazing little girl she is becoming=) Of course when you aske her how old she is going to be, she tells us four, just like Katie. She has many of Ali's qualities and many of Kate's but she is truly her own person!! She fights for what is hers, especially being the third child. She wants to do what everyone else is doing, she doesn't want to be left out of anything. She is the comedian of our family and makes us laugh every day!! At this photo session she let us know when she was done taking pictures. She took a few pictures and then told us, "I'm all done!" and walked out. We tried bribery as you can see the sucker in the last picture but that didn't last long.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...too cute. I just love her. What a blessing she is!