Sunday, May 9, 2010

Spring 2010

Spring has been very busy for us! Ali finished up gymnastics in the middle of April and then started soccer that same weekend! She definitely loves soccer. It's been great to watch her really get into playing the game. Ali also lost her second tooth, it's hard to tell in the picture but both bottom middle teeth are out! It's not leaving a big hole because the adult teeth have already pushed their way up. Ali and Katie both love having Lauren as their little sister. They watched movies with Lauren one night in their bean bags=) I have been coaching track since I returned to work at the beginning of April, which has been a lot of fun this year because we have a great group of girls and we are undefeated! It has been hard because I miss being home right after school but one more week of track and we are done!! Five more weeks of school left and it can't come soon enough!! We all can't wait to be together and have fun this summer!!